I love Thursday mornings, while teachers are in meetings I have an extra hour to deal with some of life's strangest scenarios. Today it was the arrival of the dreaded CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) Cops. These are special auditors sent to schools to verify security was not breeched during test administration.
It is my responsibility for this test to remain secure even though the entire premise seems totally ludicrous to me. Now don't take me wrong, I am a strong proponent of accountability, but can someone explain why we are testing high school sophomores on their knowledge of 8th grade English and math standards? It seems to me that students should be given this 8th grade exam following the 8th grade and if they don't pass... KEEP THEM IN THE EIGHTH GRADE!! DUH! And if you say that you don't want 21 year olds hitting on your 14 year old daughter then provide a special school for them until they catch up with their peers or provide vocational classes for them. But oh no, we pass them on from year to year and teachers are forced to "dumb down the curriculum" so that everyone understands... the poor "mid kid" can cast soaring with the eagles to the wind because we had to slow down so little Johnny can catch up equipped with his 4th grade reading level. (Gives a whole new meaning to saying "It's hard to soar with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys"!)
Oh sorry... I was ranting about CAHSEE Cops. The short of it is that I am responsible for this exam... but some where along the way we have missed the boat teaching teenagers this concept. If you ever needsome entertainment, just drop by the office while I am trying to convince some well meaning parent that their student is being held responsible for their actions. Let me share a few examples...
Today Jessica's mother became quite upset because we called to inform her that Jessica and her "Home Girls" have started a nice little theft ring stealing I-Pods and Cell phones (why do we allow these gadgets in school?) You see Jessica and the "gurlz" have formed this little girlie gang that is now responsible for two felony assaults on girls who did not join their gang. I searched numerous book bags, met with many parents, and informed them all that if I saw any more graffiti they would face disciplinary action and would conference with the police department. Now at first Jessica's mother was supportive, but now she is convinced that there is no way she is involved in theft... it must be someone else's child.
Another example is Paul's mother. Paul didn't pass the 8th grade exit exam (aka CAHSEE) so my secretary Debbie, called him to the office, explained to him that we were going to administer it again this week, told him where to report, when to report, gave him a paper reminder and even had him sign that he understood the information and was given the reminder... guess what, Paul didn't show up for testing. This morning I got a nasty message from his mother that he shouldn't have to wait until March with everyone else to get yet another chance to take the exam... since he forgot. You must be kidding right??
The day was topped off by Joe. Joe should have "professional victim" tattooed on his forehead. This afternoon we received a message from Joe's father that Joe is once again getting bullied. When I received the message I gave his father a call and told him to have Joe come to my office in the morning and I would deal with the situation. Of course this wasn't good enough for him, he wanted to come to school right then (after hours) to explain the situation. Even though I explained I couldn't meet with him immediately, I looked up from a thought-provoking discussion with one of our finest teachers to see Joe and his father standing in the hall. Frustrated I got up and handed them a witness statement, only to hear the father say that he wanted someone to transcribe the statement for Joe. I looked around the nearly empty office and suggested that they take it home so he could do it for him and he had the nerve to actually get angry... But surely I jest!
When did we stop teaching responsibility to our teenagers? The world does not revolve around them or does it? We are preparing for a hard road if we don't turn this tide. Life has certain expectations of us. If I compromise the security of the California High School Exit Exam they will invalidate hundreds of exams, my name will end up in the newspaper and I will probably lose my job. My sassy little mother could rant and rave all she wants, but it is still my responsibility to secure that exam.
Folks it's time we wake up and stop making excuses for our children and teach them to face reality and take responsibility for their actions! Fighting their battles isn't showing love for them, it is shackling them to a delusional world that simply does not exist.