Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12-11-07 -- But My Child Doesn't Lie

Parents please hear me... any kid (naughty or nice) will lie cover his/her behind on any given occasion despite the way you raised them... it's human nature!

It always amuses me to hear parents say "My child doesn't lie"!  On what planet?  I love my mother dearly, but at age 40 something today I lied to my mother!!!  For years she has warned me about the evils of raw cookie dough and batter.  In my world, cookie dough is about the best tasting thing on the planet!   But all good children should listen to their parents because at 3:00 a.m. I was bowing to the porcelain god in the bathroom.  You see, I knew better, but since my mother was two time zones away, I saw no harm in tasting that Christmas cookie batter, followed by the oh so yummy cake batter while using her own recipe!!! Obviously I found a "bad egg" and was up late last night wishing I had listened to my Mommie!!  I was able to drag myself to work about noon and the first words out of my mouth were "Don't tell my mother."  This was followed by the evening call to my parents and when I shared my ordeal... the first question out of her mouth was "you didn't eat cookie dough did you"?  Of course I blamed a popular food chain and quickly changed the subject!

Admit it... your kids lie to you, you lied to your parents and eventually your grandchildren will lie to those lying kids of yours!  When children are about to get "busted" for any given topic, they will lie to stay out of trouble. (Or in my case a simple "I told you so.")  Today Karen was no different.  While I was home rubbing my belly Karen and her parents met at a truancy meeting and attempted to give 10 good reasons why she was not attending school on a regular basis.  Excuses ranged from "those mean girls are going to get me" to "I have difficulty understanding English."

Shortly after I arrived at noon, Karen's parents came rushing into my office between truancy hearing and insisted that following the hearing Karen admitted to them that she had been raped by a 25 year old.   And despite, five school officials three Spanish speaking aides, two cops, and a partridge in a pear tree she stuck to her story.  UNTIL... her best friend was called to the office and openly admitted that sometimes Karen lies!!  Two hours later, the police had finally gotten to the bottom of the story... Karen had met this 19 year old boy at a party and despite the hickeys on her neck, they only engaged in heavy petting.  The police generally don't appreciate being lied to, and she is a very lucky young lady that she was not arrested for making a false report.

Children lie.  Good children, bad children, gifted children, special education children... it doesn't matter.  So... before you call some over-worked school employee and insist that YOUR CHILD DOESN'T LIE, please remember the last time you stretched to truth to your own parents.. and don't eat the cookie dough either!