Sunday, January 13, 2008

1-12-08 -- Attack of the Nerds

The socialization of adolescence has long fascinated me.  Walk into any American high school and you too can watch “the herd” in action.  Teenagers are by nature pack animals and the best place for observation is the average high school.  Teenagers wander about looking for their “kind,” then they begin some introductory dance to prove their worthiness for the chosen herd. 


For example, walk along with any “jock herd” and you will hear conversations of televised or high school athletic events… those with knowledge of sports will be accepted.  Those who can actually perform these rituals with become the alpha-leaders.  The alpha-leaders of this pack are very demonstrative, as they seem to either physically or verbally “pick on” the weakest of the herd to prove their prowess.  Although insignificant, the weaklings remain with the camp for the popularity and respect it brings with the female of the species. 


One can also observe similar behavior within the “Goth” group.  Members of this pack fight fordominance  (i.e. respect) by wearing pants that are four sizes too small with as many holes and patches as their parents/school permits and they often demonstrate a significant knowledge of the latest alternative bands.  Males of this subgenus often wear make up.  This group often sports Mohawk haircuts, pink, purple or blue hair with dark black eyeliner and nail polish. This group will scare the “beegeeber” out of the average senior citizen walking down the street, but by nature this is a peaceful group who generally avoids confrontation. 


Lest I leave anyone out of this mix, there are “skaters” “gangsters” “posers” “cheerleaders” “leadership group” and of course last but not least, the“brainiacs.  The “brainiacs” or “nerds” have been around for generations.  This is the subgenus that is often victimized by all the other herds while in school, but will humiliate all of their counter-groups at their tenth high school reunion with their expensive cars and six figure salaries. 


One of my favorite high school events is to watch these kids is the “Super Bowl” for Brainiacs commonly referred to as Academic Decathlon.  I am unsure of the origin of this event, but I am quite sure some well-meaning teacher came up withthe name to add credibility to the nerd event.  I personally felt this was such a worthwhile event for kids that I offered to sponsor it myself to keep it were dying at our school.  Luckily, a young dynamo teacher rescued me.  Nicole and her team brought several gold metal back to RHS her first year as sponsor like the incredible teacher that she replaced.


Brandy has competed in Aca Deca for two years.  Brandy often floats between several herds at our school, this is possible, because she lights up any room she enters.  When I walked into the waiting room (school cafeteria) to offer some moral support to our competitors in the individual speech event, Brandy ran up with a big hug for me.  And demonstrating maturity beyond her years, thanked me for taking time to support them.  


Brandy then looked up to me and exclaimed… “The Nerds are Attacking Me.”  After laughing for a while I replied… “Brandy, think about it.”  Here she was competing in a “Nerd Convention.”  She giggled and said, “Oh yeah, I forgot where I was for a minute.”  She went on to explain some well meaning young man approached her to get a phone number for his friend.  When she explained that she had a boyfriend, this young man gave some sobbing story of how his friend’s family was mean to him and insisted that she at least wave to him before she left.  Way to go Nerds… work that sympathy!   Of course she gave him a wave and got the “Heck out of Dodge.” 


The story that followed was even more amusing… she said the previous night she was in the car with her mother when a car of boys pulled along side of them and held up a laminated sign with the message “You are cute” and with a Smiley Face.    It flattered her mother, who rolled down the window only to hear “Not you, the other one.”   Ladies don’t you love these moments!!!!   Like the young teacher who called me “Mom” last month!!!   I can’t wait to finish his yearly evaluation!!  Brandy said they all had a big laugh and drove on their way.


These stories alone were worth the drive to the competition, although as I left I was a bit concerned what would be the topic of her speeches.  Either way, with the awesome group of kids thathave invested their time to represent our school, I am certain that once again we will earn our share of gold metals.