Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2-20-08 - Bloggable Moments

I frequently giggle with friends about my “bloggable moments.”  To my delight some of the people I have shared my “bloggable moments” with are now bloggers themselves.  Everyday life presents itself with such insanity that sometimes it helps to just step back and look at the day’s little adventures with humor. I think this act of “thinking about thinking” was coined as “metacognition.”  Now that sounds impressive for a bunch of nonsense doesn’t it?


Take today for instance.  I woke up… ok I don’t “think” I ever went to sleep… have you ever tried to sleep with a cone-head dog?  My poor little pooch, Punkin Pie, had surgery yesterday and it was almost more than I could handle.  It would have been ok if the vet wanted to cut on me, but the mere “thought” of him cutting on her perfect little pink belly was simply tearing me up inside.  As requested, Debbie kept me extremely busy because I knew that I would “think” too much and worry excessively.   I picked Punky up yesterday afternoon to find my twelve - pound pup with a big honkin cone around her head.  You see, I raised a “licker” and that contraption was the only way we could keep her from removing her stitches.


When I got Punkin home, she just sat there staring into space, I’m sure “thinking” how am I suppose to eat, drink or poop with this huge cone around my neck?  When she stood up, she ran into walls and tipped over.  At one point I heard this awful noise only to find her attempting to go through the doggy door.  She reminded me of a battery-operated toy that had been stopped by a solid structure.  She kept trying again and again to get through that little hole in the door, but that awful cone was preventing her from arriving at her desired destination (aka the back yard.)





I began to ponder this… too many teenagers (and adults)  are walking through life with cones on their heads!  Folks are bumping into this or that hoping to stumble into their desired destination.  Take for example, Susana, today she was a perfect picture of what Saturday Night Live termed as a “Cone Head.”  



After lunch I was tipped that a couple girls had taken pills in choir.   Yeah I know, choir class isn’t usually where you find the dopers!  I located the first girl who walked into my office dazed and confused.  There was no question she was under the influence.  Soon after, we brought the source of this confusion to join her.  While searching her handbag, we found a pharmacy in a tote! (See photo)                   



By the time I finished with the first girl, she was already sobbing profusely.  She cried out, you all think I’m terrible, that I am a drug dealer!  Well… if it looks like a duck!  She went on to remind me that I had met with her and her father about an attendance issue and she was finally getting back on track.  OK… major derailment! 



Susana spun a wild tale about finding all the meds in her little sister’s room and had removed them to keep her out of trouble.  When questioned as to why she didn’t give the pills to her parents, she said her parents were not available.  When her father arrived, this was found to be a lie.  I also asked her why it was ok to share these pills with a friend if she was concerned about people getting hurt. 



This poor child was wandering around life with an invisible cone around her head.  It was as if she knew what she was supposed to do, but some invisible source was preventing her from doing the right thing. 



It amazes me how some people find it so difficult to take responsibility for their actions.  They find their lives spinning out of control, but they seem helpless in correcting their course.  This particular case is a no brainer, it resulted in a five day suspension pending an expulsion hearing as well as an arrest by the police.


The whole scenario reminded me of poor little Punkin’s plight.  Not until I physically picked her up and carried her outside could she get back on track and take care of her business.  The same with this kid… now some over worked probation officer will have to physically point her to direction that willhopefully keep her out of trouble. 


My advice… all of us should take a hard look at our lives.  What exactly is it thatis preventing a clear vision of the path we need to walk?  Maybe we all need to re-evaluate, stop being victims of life’s cones and use them for their intended use… ICE CREAM!!!