OK... I learned a new term today. I was sitting in my allergist's office attempting to look like I had something to do... you know no one is allowed to "just sit" anymore. I was fumbling for my Palm when I looked up and noticed an interesting story on the TV "health channel" in the waiting room... as I said, no one is allowed to just sit in the peace and quiet any more! The anchor was interviewing a "Helicopter Mom." I took a double take because I was totally out of the loop. I wrinkled my forehead and figured nothing good could be associated with this term. According to ABC news, a "Helicopter Mom" is a mother of the new Millennium Generation that constant "hovers" attempting to help (aka control) every aspect of their child's life.
Now this goes far beyond June Cleaver being home for her boys, this mother emails to do lists, constantly checks on school work and even bank balances. I knew we'd seen some bizarre behavior at the high school level, but according to the university administrator's in this report, they are experiencing this nonsense as well. These mom's offer to come take notes for their college-age students, they ask who will be doing their child's laundry, and make multiple wake up calls to ensure their children do not miss class. At the University of Vermont, the phenomena has gotten so bad, they have now have classes for parents and send them home with refrigerator magnets that reinforce their hands off parent policy. Good Grief!
It is quite amusing to watch our staff attempt to work after 5pm each day while running to hide from the sight of parents who repeatedly bang on the windows demanding to get their child's confiscated cell phone that they can not possibly live without for 24 hours. Or... observe the line of parents who left work because their child texted them to pick them up from school immediately because they did not want to stay in school to watch the sixty minute video during a standardized testing break.
Last Friday I had my first experience with a "Copter Dad." Little Megan was in my office for the fourth time for a cell phone violation. I had just suspended her for a third violation, but it obviously did not impact her actions (or her fathers.) I was quite upset when I learned that she refused to give the phone up to the teacher, "because she would need it on the weekend." When I called her father to report the incident, his response took me by surprise... "It's my fault." I look a deep breath and asked, "How"? He replied that he calls his daughter between each class to remind her to get to class on time. Without thinking I responded, "You do what"? I had little success explaining to him the idiocy of this practice. After about ten minutes of "nonsense" I told him that it was her fourth offense and if she was my daughter I would seriously consider taking the phone away. He would have no part of that.
So... I suspended them both! Of course he was quite upset with the idea, but this time I would not budge. I dare not think of what shape this child will be in by the time she graduates. How do these parents think these children will ever learn coping skills to survive in the real world? Parent, please hear me...If you find yourself "hovering" over your child I have but one to say to you, KNOCK IT OFF! Or... you will wake up one morning and find a 39 year old unemployed moron perched on your sofa . Who would want to marry or even employ someone like this... for heavens sake folks, do it for the kids!!!!