With all the rumors surrounding the budget crisis everyone is now fearful of their job. My lead Campus Supervisor (who I can not live without!) walked in my office this morning and handed me a piece of paper with a "proposal for staffing reassignments." The trusty rumor mill had our security crew expecting to be next on the chopping block and she wanted to provide me with a real vision of life without them:
Staffing Reassignments to deal with the loss of Campus Supervisors :
OCS (On Campus Suspension) - Use teachers on a rotating schedule during their prep periods. Of course the contract will have to be re-negotiated, but perhaps the increase in salary benefits will only be a few thousand more than Campus Supervisors are paid by the hour!
Gates -Maintenance will need to lock all gates once school starts and open them at the end of the day, including the bike rack. They will take calls every period for kids leaving school for various reasons to lock and unlock. Hopefully the potties will not overflow or kids do not get sick in classrooms during this time!
7 & 30 Gates - Leave side gates closed all day – send all 2800 students to front to enter or exit campus through the administration building- Admin will need to rotate 2 hour shifts.
Front gate - Have admin do another 2 hour shift to handle everyone coming or going from the school including yellow passes, lunch passes, free 5 & 6 stickers, Work 5 & 6 stickers, sports passes, deliveries, and all the adults that want to come on campus for one reason or another. Not sure what will happen to kids who fight, take drugs, etc, but we will save money.
Front Desk - We will need to require parents to go on campus and retrieve their students from class or where ever they may be (wrestling room, baseball field, P.E. etc.). They will probably want to use the golf cart so you better raise the liability insurance.
Drop Offs - Due to the lack of staffing we will be unable to except the 50 thousand items a day that our darling children are unable to survive the day with out.
Lunch Supervision - Say a Prayer????
Secretaries - Will have to fetch students for their V.P.’s and do the locker searches. They will also need to escort them down to OCS. When a teacher needs a student removed from their classroom the secretary must retrieve them. You better sign them up for yoga classes because they are not accustomed to dealing with the verbal abuse along the way.
Games - Coaches must sell and take tickets – no coverage inside.
Traffic - Pam (after my fender-bender this week... yeah right!)
Escorts - The Administrator who assigns the non-sense
Medical - Nurses office will need to respond to any calls of injury or illness with the cart. Staff will have to prioritize importance such as head injury in Room 2-10 vs weighing wrestlers for meet.
911 Calls - The Principal will need to go out in the street and wave down the Emergency personnel, and AP's can wait on the southeast corner of the building to escort them to the nurse’s office.
Bathrooms - Bathrooms will remain closed except during passing periods when the counselors will monitor them.
Lockers - Forgot your key? Sorry!
ASD (After School Detentions) - Teachers must do their own.
Football Security - Hire an additional 10 – 12 more security people at triple the rate we work an hour. Or... perhaps negotiate with a local gang to monitor athletic events, we could barter with confiscated drugs and save a few bucks.
I prepared my resignation letter the same day!