I began my long journey home on December 20, following truancy hearings after school on the 19th (the last day before break!) Someone was serious about punishing those truants (and the rest of us) when they made that schedule! After a quick dash to Central California after the hearings I crashed for a few hours, got up packed the presents and puppies and settled into my long drive to my parents house. This yearly journey takes me three days via Tucson, Midland/Odessa, then finally to Ashdown, Arkansas which is about 19 miles north of Texarkana, TX... if you saw the movie, Smokey and the Bandit.
I was ever so proud that I didn't destroy (via backing over) any luggage this year, and I didn't catch the stomach flu until I actually got there! I will spare you these details! My mother had the house decorated in her regular "winter wonderful" fashion with snowmen at ever turn... most of them singing and shaking their behinds to Christmas music. I found Dad in his chair watching his normal line up of Shootem' Up Westerns with a football game or two scheduled into the mix, Mom prepared my favorite smoked ham... and all was good. It is comforting after all these years, to walk back into my parents door and seemingly find them the exact way you left them. It is a special feeling to walk into church and know that hugs are waiting just beyond the sanctuary doors and that you will soon feast on a sermon that will challenge you to return to battle with a new zeal for the Purpose. I wish all children had this privilege during the holidays.
My mother was especially anxious for me to open one gift before Christmas. My Dad's family (all 27 of us) gather on Christmas Eve for a holiday reunion. To my demise, when Mom wants me to open a present BEFORE the event it usually contains some shirt that blinks, a stupid Santa hat or lest I forget the year I opened the Grinch t-shirt she demanded I wear because of my lousy attitude that year. So I took a deep breath and took the gift, I knew this would take a while with all the tape applied. Good stock tip... 3M during the holidays, my mother causes a surge in profits by herself! To my surprise it didn't sing, dance or shake it's butt... it was a pocket size HD Video Camera. I had more fun the next few days with that silly thing... makes for good blackmail material for Cousin Stinkerbelle too!
About eight years ago I left my heart in suburban Dallas, TX. There are just special connections between folks who started teaching together. A trip home would not be complete without a visit with people I still consider my best friends. These visits are NEVER long enough and I leave with a sick feeling in my stomach (not stomach flu previously mentioned) that I didn't get enough time with those I love. Stacey and I were called Peanut Butter and Jelly when we started teaching, because if you saw one of us, the other wasn't far behind. Stacey was certainly "Jelly" because she is the sweetest. Her students adore her, even to the point of naming her Homecoming Queen this year!
Cathy, I met in the parking lot on my way in the door the first day of school. Immediately I knew this was someone I wanted to always keep close. Cathy is a straight-shooter and will lovingly grab you by the nap of the neck before you run into a brick wall. My only life-time attempt to workout in the mornings was with Cathy when I lived in Dallas... because she told me that we needed to do it! The depth of our friendship got me up!
Beautiful not only on the outside, Kris has an inside to match. When you want someone to cry with you, Kris is always willing to walk the long mile with you. She is now a Counselor and lucky are the kids that cross her path. Her quirky sense of humor always amazes me... I know immediately that cards and notes are from her heart.
Tad is a true "blue" friend in every sense. He has overcome tremendous difficulties with health and his mere "being" is an inspiration to all who know him. I have watched him build his French program beyond anyone's expectation and reaffirm to many kids that school can be fun! He is the proud husband of an incredible wife, Steffi , who easily joined our clan and a beautiful newborn, Beau.
I can easily dodge the question of "returning to Texas" from anyone except from my buddy, Keith. Keith is the type of man that every mother wants her daughter to marry... the embodiment of "John Wayne" values. Many of teenage girl has swooned over "Coach Flowers" who I loving refer to as my buddy, "Stud Muffin." Just five minutes with this man and you are reminded of the good that is still in this world and you have value in it. Keith stole the heart of a former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and they have a beautiful baby, Kolton.

Although I have no children, I consider myself, "Aunt Pam," to their children... Molly, DJ, Brad, Amanda, Corey, Hanna, Maddie, Allie, Beau, and Kolton. It is sad that time and miles separate us, but is is comforting to know that at any given moment any of these folks will climb in the trench with you and help you with any of life's battles. It is my prayer that they feel the same about me. As our nation enters into a time of economic and political instability I suggest that we all keep those who are dear close to us, to walk along bumpy roads and to hold us up in the times that we feel like sitting down. Teaching our children that friendship is life's greatest gift far beyond the worth of X-boxes and Wiis.
I wish everyone who reads my "nonsense" a very blessed New Year and I promise to share more adventures with "the kids" in the days to follow...